Treatments for Achilles Tendonitis

Achilles tendinitis, also called Achilles heel tendinopathy, calcaneal tendinitis or Achilean tendonitis, is a lesion, most often related to mechanical overload, of the Achilles tendon, a tendon behind the ankle that connects the calf muscles (triceps sural) to the heel bone. By contracting, the calf muscle exerts traction on the tendon, causing plantar flexion and propulsion of the foot when you walk, run, jump, etc. With a sudden movement, the Achilles tendon can crack and rupture. The Achilles tendon in the heel becomes swollen, inflamed, and painful. Achilles tendonitis is very common in runners and athletes and can therefore occur at any age.

There are many treatments for Achilles heel tendonitis, but only your doctor or podiatrist can tailor the treatment to suit your situation.

Medical treatments:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics;
  • Plantar flexion splints;
  • Injection of PRP under ultrasound (Platelet Rich Plasma) inside the tendon;
  • Laser treatment;
  • Surgical treatment after failure of conventional treatment.

Other treatments:

  • Partial or total rest;
  • Direct icing by massaging the painful area;
  • Deep transverse massages (M.T.P.).
  • Rehabilitation carried out by physiotherapy;
  • Osteopathy;
  • Wearing a viscoelastic heel pad in the shoe;